Monday, January 5, 2009


Nathan helping Jacob learn to skate.

Megan, you looked so sweet out there!

Racing across the ice.(Well, sort of.)

Sunday's skating party was very fun, we're hoping
to do it again this next Sunday.


Jessica said...

Looks like you all had fun. I'm guessing that's a homemade rink on your property; am I correct? I would agree that the picture of Megan is very cute. I love the pink sweater!

Megan said...

It was so fun, though I still ache. I think the Vestals might have a sledding party next week, but maybe the week after, that would be great. And maybe you will skate:)

Laurel Beth said...

It is our homemade rink, Jess.

Megan, maybe, maybe, maybe I will skate, I shoveled 4 inches off it yesterday and did some skating but you guys really tore it up so we need to put another layer of ice on.

Brandon Barr said...

Wow, that picture of the ice rink with the dark clouds behind is really spectacular. I wish I lived in Montana... I really do.

All that beautiful open land.

Hannah said...

Thank you SO much for letting us come and skate! It was very fun 7 all my bruises are well worth it!

Laurel Beth said...

It was great to have you all come, right now with the warmer weather we've been having it is turning into a great big puddle, hopefully it will refreeze and be even better than before.
Brandon, thanks for you comment on my last post. I am curious...
How did you come across my blog?

Brandon Barr said...


I did a profile search for "C.S. Lewis's space trilogy" under the category, "Favorite books".

I enjoy science fiction, and since I'm a Christian, I thought it would be a good way to connect with believers with similar interests.

I also write sci-fi too!

Hannah said...

I sure hope the ice/snow freezes soon! Everything is so yucky right now, and I want to sled & skate more.

Anonymous said...

How fun, Laurel ~

'Tis indeed the season for such wonderful activities.
I did have one concern, though: I didn't hear you mention anything about hot chocolate!! Please tell me this quintessential ice-skating drink was included in the party! :-)

Lots of love,
Paige Elizabeth

Laurel Beth said...

Of course Paigie!
What would we do without it!
In fact everyone had so much that night, that we are now comletely out of mix.

Anonymous said...


