Friday, October 30, 2009

Saturday Movie Night

So tomorrow I'm hosting a movie night for some of the young ladies of our church, we're having difficulty coming up with the best thing to watch.
We would love to do Cranford or North and South but as both are rather long, must find something a little more within our time frame.
So the debate is pretty much between Nicholas Nickleby and Miss Potter. We would have loved to hunt up something new, but havn't really had the opportunity.

Anybody know of any good period films to suggest, not just for tomorrow, as I probably wouldn't be able to do anything about it at this point, but with it being colder and there being more sickness going around it would be great to find some new stuff.
We did find Sissi at the library the other day which I am very happy about. One of my best friends in California had a German mother, I remember watching these movies at her house and despite the fact that I couldn't understand a word, I loved them. We own a version that has been dubbed over in English, but it is missing quite a bit, so I am very excited to watch the whole thing again, and (with the help of English subtitles) understand it all.
It has some of the most beautiful costumes I've ever scene in a period film and was filmed in some absolutely gorgeous spots. Plus the lovely Romy Schneider!


Eldarwen said...

I've seen Miss Potter, but I can hardly remember it, so I couldn't reccomend it to you. :/ But, Nicholas Nickleby looks like it might be good. I don't know, though, I've never seen it. lol :D

I can't think of any other movies of that time-period. Sorry! But thanks for sharing the movies with us, I should check some of them out! :)


Megan said...

Hannah and I were thinking maybe we could watch The Day After Tomorrow.

Laurel Beth said...

Yeah, we could do that, I don't own so you would have to bring it, if you have it. But I'm pretty sure it would be fine for everyone, and I really enjoy it.

His Handmaidens said...

Um... His Handmaiden? That movie PG-13. I can't watch it


Eldarwen said...

Ooh! I LOVE the movie "The Day After Tomorrow"!!! It's like an all-time fav! Although, Haley's right it is rated PG-13 and there's quite a few curse words...

Alaina Mathers said...

Laurel, I must shamefully admit that it's been a while since I've visited your blog. . . ;( but I love the new look of it. . . as for your films miss potter is great ;) can't think of any other period films except the jane austen ones. . . of course ;) miss you girl!

Anna Andalasia said...

I like Sense and Sensibility, the one with Kate Winslet. =)