Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 8

A Thank You Letter to Someone Who Has Changed Your Life:
I'd like to have this post be to Lynne Mason, one of the most wonderful, godly women I have ever met.
You have been such a marvelous example to me of the Proverbs 31 woman as she is lived out practically in everyday life. You have changed my life in many ways, challenging me to further godliness and being able to speak boldly and clearly about my faith, to use for others the gifts that God has blessed me with rather than just for my own personal satisfaction. And to be constantly living everyday for a greater purpose than just simply going through the "mundane" tasks, that are inevitably, but viewing them as opportunity's to glorify the Lord.
Through you I had my first interest in midwifery, while right now I may not be pursuing it, the things I have learned in the courses I've done and books you have given me, have given me skills that I may use to serve others and a greater awe of the wondrous work God has done in creating life!
I love you Lynne, and give God thanks and praise upon every rememberance of you.


His Handmaidens said...

Lynne is such a blessing to so many people. I thank God I am privileged to know her.

Lynne Mason said...

Precious Laurel,
I was moved with tears to read you tribute you so graciously gave to me. Thank you! I really was not aware of how much I have been influential in your life. What thrills me is that somehow in God's mysterious way He has caused you to see a reflection of Him through me as flawed, weak, and sinful as I am. I am amazed and enthralled every day as I consider His love for me! You will be able to fulfill our Lord's commandment to "Love God and Love you neighbor as yourself" as you respond to His love.. " Not that we love God but that he first loved us" I John 4:19. Therefore,ONLY LOVE STIMULATES LOVE!!
As you think about His love you will find within your heart a passion to love Him and others!!Drink deeply of His love, the kind of love He has given us, justifying, propitiating, adopting love!! Because of His love we are the "children of God" I John 3:1-3. Think on His love! Be enraptured by it:let it overwhelm you. Hoping in His transforming Love causes us to strive after purity" as he is Pure" ! John 3:3.
The enemy will continually try to distract you from thinking on God's love for you in Christ, and he will do it either by pointing out your sin or impressing you with your achievements( and others' failures) or by enticing you with some other worthless trinket. Anything to keep you from basking in His steadfast love for you and pursuing purity in loving dependence.He doesn't care how he keeps you down by pointing out your sin OR pointing you to sin.Remember that God is love and that we have both a gospel declaration and gospel obligation. 2Cor 5:14-15.. We are all prone to wonder from our divine Husband and flirt with other lovers.Be a 'gospel-centered Christian' and see God's law for what is is: a perfect reflection of God's Character and cling to Jesus Christ and His Love for providing you with His perfect righteousness.What amazing Love!Rest,rejoice, imbibe, and delight in His love for you now. "May the Lord direct your heart to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ." 2 Thes.5:3
You are so very precious to me and may God's grace help me to encourage you more as you learn to walk by faith and be satisfied with Him being your Beloved. I love you more than words and pray for you regularly!!!
In His inexpressible Love and for His Glory,
Your older sister and 'Nenah'
White Feather Song(Lynne)